Thursday, May 14, 2009

Made it through another day...

Which I am really thankful for. Even though all around me, it seems that people have lost their minds.
I have given up on reading the news, I figure that my life is depressing enough, I don't need to read and add too it. It seems that the majority of the news is either some parent killing their children because they're stupid, or the economy is down again. Duh. We knew that.

In my opinion, the only thing that will probably help the economy, is to bring the jobs back from overseas, and stop selling all the stuff that's made in China, and start making the stuff here.

I can look at a lot of the stuff that's in my house, and the majority of it is made in China. What happened to stuff made in the USA? And when you do find something that's made here, why is it made like crap that falls apart after a day? What happened to building stuff with pride, and caring about what you're doing? It's all about money now a days, and I just don't understand it. Ok, say you make a million. You have a million. Why do you have to sit and pinch every corner you see, make half assed cheap crap, just to make another million? What's that second million going to do? Sit in the bank? Why not invest it in the company, and produce quality stuff, that people want? I don't get it.

If I had it my way....there would be a lot of people pissed off, but I wouldn't care. I would stop giving breaks to all the companies that moved overseas, I would tax the crap out of them for turning their backs on the American People and finding cheap labor.
I would put a pay freeze on all of government. Who said that Congress or the Senate should make $250, 000+ a year? To sit in a chair and bitch to each other? Makes me think I'm in the wrong profession. And then for them to vote in some crap about how much they make for retirement? They should be MADE to depend on Social Security just like hard working American's do, I bet if they had too, there would be no problems in the Social Security dept. it would run smooth like butter!
I don't know. There is just stuff in the news that just blows my mind. I don't understand how we can put ourselves in the gutter like this, and act like it's someone elses fault.

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